Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Role of the Imagination for Romantic Poets
Discuss the role of the imagination in the work of one or more Romantic poets. The 19th century witnessed a shift in the perception of literary art, particularly poetry. The 18th century conception of art and literature was founded upon reason, logic and rationality. Tradition had valued art and literature for its ability to imitate human life. This however arguably took a step back and paved the way for the 19th century view that art and literature was to established on the grounds of pure emotion, imagination, external and internal experience. Or as William Wordsworth would say that ‘[...] poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.’ The poet therefore assumed the role of the mediator between man and nature. The role of†¦show more content†¦All of the former mentioned demonstrate that the imagination has the ability to create a paradise with lavish magnificent ‘[...]pleasure-dome[s]’(36). As the poem Kubla Khan prevails, the extensive capability of the imagination is shown when the poet suggests that if one h as trouble maintaining such a beautiful vision of paradise that he could ‘[...]build that dome in air’(46). That through the means of poetic imagination he could create a more lasting image within his head. For Coleridge, imaginative suggestion extended further to the fascination with the supernatural and the realms of existence. This is showcased within Coleridge’s poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In reference to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner it is almost as though Coleridge held the view that the imagination was an instinct within individuals that related to the natural world. This is seen when the Mariner’s lack of insight or imagination leads to his impulsive error of when he ‘[...]shot the albatross’(82). As a consequent of his action a conflict with nature was ignited. Only when the Mariner appreciates the natural world that surrounds him showing humility does his punishment alleviate. The employment of primary imagination is ev ident within The Rime of the Ancient Mariner . The fact that he is able to captivate individuals and hold them ‘[...]with his glitteringShow MoreRelatedThe Romantic Poets By William Wordsworth1513 Words  | 7 PagesThe world of the Romantic poets is so much different today than it was in the time of the Romantics, which ranged from 1760 to 1830. Known to a friend as a â€Å"delicate adolescent†John Keats was a studious young man who was destined to become a doctor before he discovered his passion for poetry. 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