Friday, December 6, 2019
Information Into An Electromagnetic Wave †Myassignmeneyhelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Information Into An Electromagnetic Wave? Answer: Introduction The antenna is mainly a device which can be used to convert required signal information into an electromagnetic wave. The use of an antenna can be either transmitting or receiving. A transmitting antenna is a one which converts an electrical signal into electromagnetic wave and radiates them and on the other hand a receiving antenna is a one which converts electromagnetic wave from the receiver beam and converts it into electrical signal (John el al., 2016) Antenna can be also being termed as aerial. Now days antennas have undergone many changes with regards to their shape, size and with its functionality. They can be selected according to the requirement of the user and the according to the role they want the antenna to perform. The report mainly focuses on the overall concept of the antenna technology bringing into account few different antennas with its main strengths and weaknesses. After covering the overall concept a particular antenna is chosen which would be estimated to play a vital role in the near future with its implementation and the concepts involved in the process. Horn antenna A horn antenna is a category of antenna which can be mainly be considered as a flared out wave guide which can be implemented in order to improve the directivity and the reduction of the diffraction. In order to improve the directive and the efficiency of the beam, with regards to the wave guide it should be provided with an aperture extension in which the abrupt discontinuity which regards to the wave would become gradual transformation. As a result of which the energy would be directed in the forward direction. This concept can be termed as Flaring and this can be implemented with horn antenna (Hua et al., 2016) Application of horn antenna The antenna is used in astronomical studies The antenna is used in microwave applications Frequency Range The frequency range of operation of the helical antenna is around 30 MHz to 3GHz Strength The following are the major strengths of the horn antenna. Greater directivity Standing waves are avoided Small minor lobes would be formed Matching with the impedance is good Band width is narrow Weakness The following are the main weakness of the horn antenna The decision of the directivity is involved in the designing of flare angle With emphasis on the length of the flare and flare angle it should not be very small. Yagi Uda Antenna This type of antenna is mainly used the reception of television which is in active role since few decades and also playing a predominant role in recent time. The Yagi Uda antenna is considered as the most popular and the easy to use category of antenna with the main aim of performance with directivity and high gain. Application of Yagi - Uda Antenna The antenna is used in HF communication Used for TV reception for a particular slot In higher frequency band it can be used for monitoring Frequency Range The frequency range of operation of the helical antenna is around 30 MHz to 3GHz Strength The following are the strength of Yagi Uda Antenna Ease of maintenance and handling Frequency coverage is broader The power wasted is considerably less High gain and high directivity is achieved Weakness The following are the disadvantage of the Yagi Uda Antenna It is mainly prone to noise It is mainly prone to atmospheric effects. Helical Antenna Helical antenna falls under the category of wire antenna and itself from the shape of a helix. The helical antenna is a broadband UHF and VHF antenna. Helical antenna or a helix antenna is the antenna in which the wire of conduction is wounded in helical shape and connected to the ground plate with a line of feeder. The helical antenna is considered to be one of the simplest antennas which mainly provide polarized circular waves (Sneha Sastry, 2017). The helical antenna is mainly used in extra terrestrial communication in which the implementation would give advantage in satellite relays etc and in order to achieve communication in space organization. This concept is very much beneficial in transmitting information distance apart without any hidden aspects involved in it. Application of helical antenna The single helical antenna or its array can be used in order to receive and transmit VHF signals. The antenna is frequently used for space and satellite probe communication The antenna can be used for telemetry link with satellites and ballistic missiles at different earth stations The communication between the earth and the moon can be achieved Radio astronomy can also be a field of implementation (Richie, McCarthy Kotick, 2016). Frequency Range The frequency range of operation of the helical antenna is around 30 MHz to 3GHz Strength The following are the strengths of the helical antenna The design is simple Bandwidth is wider Directives are higher Circular polarization can be achieved (Mackey Wassaf, 2016). Weakness The following are the weakness of the helical antenna The space required by the antenna is large and it requires more space With the number of turns the efficiency decreases (Spence el al., 2016) Aperture Antenna The antenna which has an aperture in the end can be referred to as an Aperture antenna. Waveguide can be an example of aperture antenna (Kanade et al., 2017). Aperture antenna can be a waveguide. The edge of a transmission line which is terminated with an opening which can be referred as radiates energy. This opening can be considered is an aperture, this makes it can aperture antenna. Application The following are the application of the aperture antenna Application in micro wave Radar application in surface search (Martnez el al., 2016) Frequency range The operation frequency range of the aperture antenna is around 300MHz to 300GHz (Richie, McCarthy Kotick, 2016). Strength The following are the strength of the aperture antenna Two wire transmission line radiation is greater Omni direction radiation (Malik, Aziz Azhar, 2016). Weakness The following are the weakness of the aperture antenna VSWR increases Radiation is poor Feedback is more (Maruyama el al., 2016) Future Prospective The choice of antenna which would be a dominant player in the future is the helical antenna Reason of Selection The main reason of the selection of the helical antenna from the different antennas can mainly focused on the main design with comparison to other antenna is very much simple with a higher directive. In this category of antenna there are two modes of operation normal mode or perpendicular and Axial or beam mode (Kanade et al., 2017). The radiation of the helical antenna depends mainly upon the diameter of the helix, pitch angle and turn spacing. The pitch is referred to as the angle between a line tangent with the plane normal and the helix wire. Conclusion There are different sort of antennas which have a specific roles too play in order to implement the communication process. Different antennas have different scope of working with different frequencies in which they can operate. Different antennas have different strengths with those they have different weaknesses. It can be stated from the report that the helical antenna holds a dominating player prospective in the near future. This may be indicated with the position of the two operating models involved in the processing and the working involved in it. References Hua, Z., Yue, C., Shu, L., Beijia, L., Hongmei, L., Qun, W. (2016, October). A printed H-plane horn antenna with loaded dielectric-metal composite lens in ka band. In Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 2016 International Symposium on (pp. 426-427). IEEE. John, S. W., Soon-Wook, K. I. M., Lim, J. H., Lee, S. H., Kim, S. H., Han, J. H. (2016). U.S. Patent Application No. 15/143,888. Kanade, T. K., Chaudhari, V. D., Patil, A. J., Deosarkar, S. B. (2017). Investigation of Single and Double Array Patch Antenna. 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