Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Wes Anderson A Creative And Unique Filmmaker - 1447 Words
Wes Anderson is widely known as a creative and unique filmmaker, who focuses his distinctive style mostly on narratives and symmetry. Anderson has made a name for himself through several films that depict unusual, yet comical characters, and also connect with the audience through visual aspects. As a young director, Anderson began his amateur career with his debut film Bottle Rocket, and quickly rose to fame by winning several awards, including an AFI Award for Movie of the Year for his 2012 film, Moonrise Kingdom. This particular film expresses Anderson’s quirky style by following the love story of two rebellious teenagers who run away together following their parents’ disapproval, causing the whole town to go out and search for them.†¦show more content†¦This can be known as an establishing shot, which shows the viewers where the next few events or scenes will take place. Establishing shots are often used at the beginning of scenes, to give the viewer an idea of what kind of setting the following action will occur in. The next scene shows the interior of the house, taking the audience on a tour by panning from room to room. In order to do this steadily, a dolly is used so that the vertical movement is kept at a minimum, and the camera can move horizontally instead. A dolly shot consists of a camera set up on a wheeled cart traveling on a specific track to create smooth movements. In the film, the dolly shot prompts the audience to feel as though they are inside the house as well, experiencing a slight dollhouse perception. As the dolly moves throughout, it stops at several rooms showing the objects and the blocking of characters in them. By the last room scene, the dolly pauses and zooms in to a close up of Suzy reading a book. After a few seconds, Suzy is seen opening the window curtain. The camera then switches views from the interior of the house to the exterior, with Suzy looking out of the window with her imperative binoculars. The camera then zooms out at a relatively fast pace into an extreme long shot of the house on the water. This shot mirrors the opening scene of the house painting, while maintaining Suzy directly in the middle of the shot, creating the aspect of symmetry. The extreme long shot, also calledShow MoreRelatedThe Utilisation Of Symmetry Within Filmmaking1645 Words  | 7 Pagesnarratives. Thorough analysis of examples of works by American director Wes Anderson will be conducted throughout this proposal. Introduction The highly creative decision of integrating symmetry as a stylistic approach in filmmaking has become an admired technique in contemporary modern films, used to produce a visually powerful and staged vision for the viewers experience. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Comparing Socrates And King On Civil Disobedience
Comparing Socrates and King: On Civil Disobedience Socrates, amongst the most influential thinkers to emerge from Greek civilization and, perhaps the most noble and wisest Athenian to have ever lived, many centuries before Christ, is noted for not writing anything himself as all that is known about his philosophical thought is through the writings of Xenophon and Plato. By contrast, Martin Luther King Jr. lived in the nineteenth century wherein his main legacy was to secure progress on African American civil rights in the United States. Although it appears that both Socrates and King are incomparable in that their historical contexts are distinctive; Plato’s Crito, a dialogue between Socrates and Crito wherein Socrates refuses to escape†¦show more content†¦Not only that, but he argues that the offspring [who was born because the city regulates marriage] and slave of the state and has no right to destroy the state by failing to obey it after it has been so beneficial to him (Plato 39). On the other hand, King does not deem rational argument as the expert on the law; rather it stems from God as he notes that â€Å"a just law is a code that squares with the moral law or the law of God†(King 408). Although Socrates was wrongly imprisoned and waiting the death penalty, which he acknowledges, he, according to his argument, is not permitted to act unjustly in return, or break the law. Pertaining to justice, the laws to Socrates are the most important and in order to keep the city functioning as he states in the dialogue, â€Å"in comparison with [one’s] mother and father and all [one’s] forebears, [the] fatherland is more precious and venerable, more sacred and held in higher esteem among gods, as well as among human beings who have any sense†(Plato 39). Again, Martin Luther King Jr. departs from Socrates’ view in that he argues that those laws that are unjust need to be broken in a civil way, in order to direct consideration of their shortcomings. According to King, â€Å"one has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws [and] one has aShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King Jr.862 Words  | 4 Pagesdemonstrate selflessness by cul tivating entire societies, at any cost. Specifically, in comparing human rights activist, Martin Luther King Jr. and Greek Philosopher, Socrates, understanding the overall purpose each of their journey’s these men ultimately shared a common goal. In this proclamation, I will prove that without a doubt, Socrates would have agreed with Martin Luther King’s ideas of civil disobedience. Socrates was a man in search of wisdom, truths, and justice, who simply refused to accept theRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of King s King 1558 Words  | 7 PagesI. Thesis: King brilliantly applies rhetorical strategies such as pathos, logos and ethos that are crucial in successfully influencing detractors of his philosophical views on civil disobedience. II. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
A Central Theme or Motif in the Play Othello, Is Jealousy Free Essays
Jealousy is the central theme in the play â€Å"Othello†by William Shakespeare. It is the most famous literary work that focuses on the dangers of jealousy. The play is a study of how jealousy can ruin lives – even with only the most circumstantial evidence of guilt. We will write a custom essay sample on A Central Theme or Motif in the Play Othello, Is Jealousy or any similar topic only for you Order Now The play opens in Venice and revolves mainly around a man called Othello. It’s his actions and thoughts which makes the play interesting and suspenseful. Themes such as love, jealousy, betrayal, honesty and vengeance are all important and widely portrayed throughout the play. However, as we venture into the play and the character Othello, we will realise that jealousy is ultimately the most important theme of them all. It is the fundamental element that fuels the characters and evidently crafted the play into how it is today. From the beginning of the play, we clearly see the jealousy in Iago. This is seen with his dejection at being passed over for promotion to be Othello’s lieutenant. Cassio, the â€Å"bean counter†, got the job instead of Iago the experienced soldier. He just has to accept his loss. But, of course, he does not, and that becomes the driving force of the play. His strategy of dealing with loss is to strike back with vengeance and deception against Othello, who has humiliated him by passing over him for promotion. He stays close to Othello, acting as his best friend when he is actually deceiving Othello, â€Å"I am not what I am†. He is out to get back at Othello and he does this by creating an evil plan against him. Othello is in love with Desdemona and secretly marries her. He loves her and is willing to do anything for her. However, he is blinded by this love and allows jealousy to ruin their relationship. Jealousy is so destructive and has rendered Othello to become so vulnerable to the evil schemes by Iago. Iago uses Desdemona in his plan, and succeeds greatly. Iago’s plan begins as he openly executes his plan of destruction, which incorporates jealousy as the key factor. He intends to create a strong sense of jealousy in Othello by setting up the mirage of an affair between Desdemona and Cassio. Othello is a simple man. He has never dealt with a situation like this before. As a result, he had very extreme reactions because of his jealousy. However, Othello’s jealousy has not developed and still doubts their affair. Therefore no extreme actions have been committed yet. The quote â€Å"Away at once with love or jealousy! †by Othello allows us to understand that he still has faith in Desdemona and does not believe she is cheating on him. However, Iago continues to feed Othello with rumors of the affair. His persistency and Othello’s vulnerability has caused a rapid development of jealousy in him. By the quote â€Å"I like not that†, we can see that it is the turning point for Othello – he begins to lean towards Iago’s interpretation of the truth. In doing so, Othello falls into the trap and tells Iago that he wants Cassio and Desdemona dead. His love for Desdemona is so strong and yet jealousy overpowers him. Iago realises that although he does not have proof of the affair, he is still able to cause harm â€Å"As proofs of holy writ: this may do something†. From this we realise how obstinate Othello is. Jealousy has made him lose his ability to reason or think logically. In fact, Iago has been so successful with his plan that he was able to put Othello into a state of madness. He even loses control of his body and Iago explains it as epileptic seizures. At the end of the play, after Othello smothers Desdemona to death, it is brought to his attention that he was set up by Iago. In horror, he realizes his mistake. Just before his suicide, Othello explains that all will have to refer to him as â€Å"one that loved not wisely but too well†. His lack of experience brought upon his ruin. Jealousy is described throughout the play as a monstrous emotion or more specifically, a â€Å"green-eyed monster†. This becomes increasingly more destructive and intense. However, it’s at the end of the play that Othello commits extreme actions because his jealousy has caused him to believe everything is true. Jealousy here is harnessed as a weapon, a weapon made so lethal because its victim ultimately destroys himself and others around him. It is interesting that Iago uses jealousy against Othello, as jealousy is likely the source of Iago’s hatred in the first place. In Othello, jealousy takes many forms, from sexual suspicion to professional competition, but it is, in all cases, destructive. However, this jealousy was not originally prominent Othello, but was rather developed through Iago’s numerous plans of destruction, which is understood through Othello’s change in personality and actions taken. By studying the text â€Å"Othello†by William Shakespeare, we are able to understand that jealousy is a powerful emotion, one that can destroy relationships, and consume the mind. Whether sexual or platonic, once the seed of jealousy is planted it can lead to devastating consequences, as seen in the play. Jealousy can easily turn into anger, and overwhelm it’s victim making them obsessed with the notion. In the play Othello, many of the characters fall victim to jealousy, causing them to commit acts outside of their normal persona. Othello was the victim in the play, and was miserably destroyed by his uncontrollable jealously. Out of all the characters in this play, it’s obvious that jealousy was what ruined Othello. Jealousy had the most profound effect on him and in the end, destroyed his relationship with Desdemona, and himself. In doing so, I believe that jealousy is the central theme in the play. How to cite A Central Theme or Motif in the Play Othello, Is Jealousy, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Information Into An Electromagnetic Wave †Myassignmeneyhelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Information Into An Electromagnetic Wave? Answer: Introduction The antenna is mainly a device which can be used to convert required signal information into an electromagnetic wave. The use of an antenna can be either transmitting or receiving. A transmitting antenna is a one which converts an electrical signal into electromagnetic wave and radiates them and on the other hand a receiving antenna is a one which converts electromagnetic wave from the receiver beam and converts it into electrical signal (John el al., 2016) Antenna can be also being termed as aerial. Now days antennas have undergone many changes with regards to their shape, size and with its functionality. They can be selected according to the requirement of the user and the according to the role they want the antenna to perform. The report mainly focuses on the overall concept of the antenna technology bringing into account few different antennas with its main strengths and weaknesses. After covering the overall concept a particular antenna is chosen which would be estimated to play a vital role in the near future with its implementation and the concepts involved in the process. Horn antenna A horn antenna is a category of antenna which can be mainly be considered as a flared out wave guide which can be implemented in order to improve the directivity and the reduction of the diffraction. In order to improve the directive and the efficiency of the beam, with regards to the wave guide it should be provided with an aperture extension in which the abrupt discontinuity which regards to the wave would become gradual transformation. As a result of which the energy would be directed in the forward direction. This concept can be termed as Flaring and this can be implemented with horn antenna (Hua et al., 2016) Application of horn antenna The antenna is used in astronomical studies The antenna is used in microwave applications Frequency Range The frequency range of operation of the helical antenna is around 30 MHz to 3GHz Strength The following are the major strengths of the horn antenna. Greater directivity Standing waves are avoided Small minor lobes would be formed Matching with the impedance is good Band width is narrow Weakness The following are the main weakness of the horn antenna The decision of the directivity is involved in the designing of flare angle With emphasis on the length of the flare and flare angle it should not be very small. Yagi Uda Antenna This type of antenna is mainly used the reception of television which is in active role since few decades and also playing a predominant role in recent time. The Yagi Uda antenna is considered as the most popular and the easy to use category of antenna with the main aim of performance with directivity and high gain. Application of Yagi - Uda Antenna The antenna is used in HF communication Used for TV reception for a particular slot In higher frequency band it can be used for monitoring Frequency Range The frequency range of operation of the helical antenna is around 30 MHz to 3GHz Strength The following are the strength of Yagi Uda Antenna Ease of maintenance and handling Frequency coverage is broader The power wasted is considerably less High gain and high directivity is achieved Weakness The following are the disadvantage of the Yagi Uda Antenna It is mainly prone to noise It is mainly prone to atmospheric effects. Helical Antenna Helical antenna falls under the category of wire antenna and itself from the shape of a helix. The helical antenna is a broadband UHF and VHF antenna. Helical antenna or a helix antenna is the antenna in which the wire of conduction is wounded in helical shape and connected to the ground plate with a line of feeder. The helical antenna is considered to be one of the simplest antennas which mainly provide polarized circular waves (Sneha Sastry, 2017). The helical antenna is mainly used in extra terrestrial communication in which the implementation would give advantage in satellite relays etc and in order to achieve communication in space organization. This concept is very much beneficial in transmitting information distance apart without any hidden aspects involved in it. Application of helical antenna The single helical antenna or its array can be used in order to receive and transmit VHF signals. The antenna is frequently used for space and satellite probe communication The antenna can be used for telemetry link with satellites and ballistic missiles at different earth stations The communication between the earth and the moon can be achieved Radio astronomy can also be a field of implementation (Richie, McCarthy Kotick, 2016). Frequency Range The frequency range of operation of the helical antenna is around 30 MHz to 3GHz Strength The following are the strengths of the helical antenna The design is simple Bandwidth is wider Directives are higher Circular polarization can be achieved (Mackey Wassaf, 2016). Weakness The following are the weakness of the helical antenna The space required by the antenna is large and it requires more space With the number of turns the efficiency decreases (Spence el al., 2016) Aperture Antenna The antenna which has an aperture in the end can be referred to as an Aperture antenna. Waveguide can be an example of aperture antenna (Kanade et al., 2017). Aperture antenna can be a waveguide. The edge of a transmission line which is terminated with an opening which can be referred as radiates energy. This opening can be considered is an aperture, this makes it can aperture antenna. Application The following are the application of the aperture antenna Application in micro wave Radar application in surface search (Martnez el al., 2016) Frequency range The operation frequency range of the aperture antenna is around 300MHz to 300GHz (Richie, McCarthy Kotick, 2016). Strength The following are the strength of the aperture antenna Two wire transmission line radiation is greater Omni direction radiation (Malik, Aziz Azhar, 2016). Weakness The following are the weakness of the aperture antenna VSWR increases Radiation is poor Feedback is more (Maruyama el al., 2016) Future Prospective The choice of antenna which would be a dominant player in the future is the helical antenna Reason of Selection The main reason of the selection of the helical antenna from the different antennas can mainly focused on the main design with comparison to other antenna is very much simple with a higher directive. In this category of antenna there are two modes of operation normal mode or perpendicular and Axial or beam mode (Kanade et al., 2017). The radiation of the helical antenna depends mainly upon the diameter of the helix, pitch angle and turn spacing. The pitch is referred to as the angle between a line tangent with the plane normal and the helix wire. Conclusion There are different sort of antennas which have a specific roles too play in order to implement the communication process. Different antennas have different scope of working with different frequencies in which they can operate. Different antennas have different strengths with those they have different weaknesses. It can be stated from the report that the helical antenna holds a dominating player prospective in the near future. This may be indicated with the position of the two operating models involved in the processing and the working involved in it. References Hua, Z., Yue, C., Shu, L., Beijia, L., Hongmei, L., Qun, W. (2016, October). A printed H-plane horn antenna with loaded dielectric-metal composite lens in ka band. In Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 2016 International Symposium on (pp. 426-427). IEEE. John, S. W., Soon-Wook, K. I. M., Lim, J. H., Lee, S. H., Kim, S. H., Han, J. H. (2016). U.S. Patent Application No. 15/143,888. Kanade, T. K., Chaudhari, V. D., Patil, A. J., Deosarkar, S. B. (2017). Investigation of Single and Double Array Patch Antenna. 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Wide Band Printed Ring Circular Slot Radiator. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering (Vol. 1). Spence, T., Cooley, M., Stenger, P., Park, R., Li, L., Racette, P., ... Mclinden, M. (2016). Development of a Multi-Band Shared Aperture Reflectarray/Reflector Antenna Design for NASA.
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