Friday, November 29, 2019
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Essay Sample free essay sample
We all have minutes in our lives that we are non excessively proud of. Looking back on my ain life there are a few minutes that were abashing. but I would non alter them for the universe. That being said. there is one twenty-four hours that was certainly traveling to be remembered everlastingly because devouring several alcoholic drinks before a school field trip is an unforgettable minute of stupidity. To get down. it was my last month of school and our natural philosophies category was eventually weaving down. We merely had a few yearss of reappraisal standing between my equals. myself. and the awful province trial. We had worked hard all twelvemonth. and rather a few of us were convinced that we were traveling to neglect this trial anyhow so there was no point in seting Forth any more attempt. Then. to our surprise our instructor told us that we would hold the chance to travel to laser ticket if we all scored over a 75 % on our concluding test. We will write a custom essay sample on Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Our instructor claimed that optical maser ticket was traveling to be a great educational excursion. and justified it by discoursing the refraction of visible radiation. and how the optical maser of the gun passes through two different mediums. However. the lone thing we got from this conversation was that we were traveling on a field trip. and playing optical maser ticket. It was the twenty-four hours before the trip and we were all truly excited that we could acquire out and hold some merriment because as everyone knows the terminal of the school twelvemonth can’t come fast plenty. There were about 17 of us who had gotten permission. and we were all planning on traveling. Then. unluckily for us one of my schoolmates had the superb thought to imbibe vodka before we go into school the following twenty-four hours. He said he had a friend that could buy the intoxicant. and if we all pitched in five dollars we could acquire a large plenty bottle to acquire us all rummy. We all agreed and gave him the money. The large twenty-four hours had arrived and we were ready to travel. There was vodka in our H2O bottles. and concealed bottles of spirits in our bags. We planned on doing the best of this trip. Our coach left at 9 A. M. so we were forced to get down imbibing in the parking batch. Fortunately for us. the staff parking batch was on the opposite sid e of the edifice. far from where we could be detected. Although. the laughter and the smile that was traveling on within the schoolroom before our going was a dead giveaway that we were up to something. but we were confident that our instructor and the chaperones were clueless. We got on the coach and the odor of intoxicant was unmistakable. We were forced to open up the Windowss. but this wasn’t uncommon in the summer on those coachs that had no air conditioning. We were approximately 25 proceedingss to our finish. and in that clip we consumed every bit much as possible. determined to do this a great send away. Finally. it was clip for the large event. clip for us to take something from optical maser ticket and use it to physics. Some of us were so buzzed that we were already faltering coming off of the coach. but still express joying. and holding a good clip. When we got inside we had to take a alone name for our mark sheets. This is where a generational spread between our instructors and us allowed for some humourous names that they did non understand. Unfortunately for me I can’t retrieve the name we had picked due to my poisoning. Before we could go on to the game our instructor had worksheets for us to finish. As if this was supposed to do us retrieve we were at that place for educational intents. I assure you. the lone thing we would retrieve was how this was traveling to stop. and some of us would hold problem retrieving it at all. Next. it was clip to play. It is difficult to state precisely what happened in those short 30 proceedingss of optical maser ticket. but I’m reasonably certain we broke every regulation they had told us before we went in. For illustration. no running. no keeping people down and hiting them. no vomit in the corner because you’re running about intoxicated. the typical regulations. By the terminal of the first game we were done. Our effort to maintain our poisoning hidden from our chaperones was over. and we were certain that we would be in problem now. We had no thought how serious of problem we were really in. Our instructor told us we were to travel outside. and that we would wholly be taking a breathalyser. regards of the province cavalrymans. Unfortunately those of us who had gotten ill to our tummy in the sphere were forced to take it foremost. One by one we blew. 04. 07. 12. and one by one we were told how serious this was. Last came the penalty. and the embarrassment had come right along with it. I had two hebdomads left of school. and due to this trip I was suspended for one of them. Geting in problem was a regular thing for my friends at school. but me. I had neer even had detainment. but that wasn’t the awkward portion. Traveling place to my parents stating them that I was suspended for being intoxicated at school was because it was non expected from me. Although this was a â€Å"very serious matter†and we were scolded by the school. and our parents. we were still able to walk across the phase where we were merrily cheered on by our schoolmates. In the terminal it turned out to be a truly great narrative and a memory that I will maintain with me everlastingly. Looking back I would non hold changed my determination to take portion in the imbibing. even though it tarnished my pristine record at school. and made my household a small disquieted. Sometimes we have to do errors. and do thin gs that we on a regular basis wouldn’t do because if we ever live life following the regulations you may neer hold any merriment.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Procedure for applying Muskingum Method Essays
Procedure for applying Muskingum Method Essays Procedure for applying Muskingum Method Paper Procedure for applying Muskingum Method Paper For Muskingum method which is a hydrologic method, the discharge measurements alone are sufficient for routing. This is because it is assumed that the parameters of the Muskingum model capture the combined flood-propagating characteristics of a river reach. When the water resources schemes to be built are in their initial planning stages, the river gauging system may remain either underdeveloped or insufficient to give precise and rigorous measurements of flow depths and discharges. The Muskingum method is useful for predicting the preliminary outflow hydrographs required at the initial stages of planning spillway capacities. In addition, these outflow hydrographs can also aid the design of stream gauges for future use. Hence, the Muskingum model has a high significance for modern civil engineers (Das 2004 p. 130) The Muskingum equation is frequently used for routing of floods in river channels. The Muskingum method for routing flood waves in rivers and channels has been widely used in applied hydrology, since its first use in connection with a flood control project in the Muskingum County of Ohio about fifty years ago. Since its development around 1934 by McCarthy, the Muskingum method has also been a subject of many investigations (Strupczewski, Napiorkowski Dooge 2002 p. 235) The figure below shows the translational and storage processes in stream channel routing. (Gill 1979 22) The Muskingum method as explained above is a widely used hydrologic method for routing flood waves in rivers and channels. The standard procedure for applying the Muskingum method involves two basic steps: calibration and prediction. In the calibration step, inflow-outflow hydrograph data is taken from historical records to determine the parameter values for the Muskingum model of a river. This is used to solve the parameter-estimation problem. The prediction step is the solution of a routing problem in which the outflow hydrograph for a given inflow hydrograph is determined by using the routing equations. Figure below shows an example of routing using Muskingum method (Elizabeth 1994) Disadvantages of Hydrologic Routing The primary disadvantage is that the dynamic flow effect is not taken into account. In addition it is assumed that stage and storage is a single–valued function of discharge implying flow is changing slowly with time. This may not be true always, and is a case of oversimplifying things. Muskingum Equations Muskingum equation is a spatially lumped form of continuity equation and linear-storage and discharge relationship for a specified river reach. The first equation is common to all conceptual models. It is a physical continuity equation i. e. law of conservation of mass, which is later integrated over the entire river reach  (1) Muskingum method differs from other conceptual models with the second equations, which relates storage in the river reach, inflow and outflow. The equation (2) given above can be obtained by assuming that the total storage in the river reach is a weighted sum of the storages, corresponding to steady-state flow rates in terminating cross-sections, and that a linear relation exists between the prismatic storage and the flow rate. As we have seen in the sections above the two types of storages prism and wedge, and the functions which they depend on. Revisiting the same we get Prism storage = ; Wedge storage = The above equations can be rewritten as Prism storage = ; Wedge storage = The total storage volume at any time instant, t, can be calculating the above two storages.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Globalization and Inequality in Developing Nations Annotated Bibliography
Globalization and Inequality in Developing Nations - Annotated Bibliography Example The final research paper will have several sections in it that will analyze different aspects of globalization as it has affected and affects the developing nations all over the world and specifically investigate how such aspects have contributed to inequality in developing nations. This paper will be investigative and educative in the sense that it will discuss the globalization effects in developing nations, both positive and negative and how they have contributed to inequalities in developing nations and make recommendations on how developing nations can use this information to ensure that globalization provides more benefits than challenges for them by reducing inequalities within their population.First, the research paper will give a summary of globalization and how it came to be generally and in developing nations. Here, the research paper will seek to give the reader general information on the topic.In discussing the effects of globalization in developing nations, the paper wi ll start by discussing the positive effects of globalization in developing nations and how inequalities came about. Here, the paper will seek to provide the reader with information regarding the manner in which globalization has contributed to growth and betterment of lives in developing nations over time and how this has led to inequalities within the developing nations. To do this, the research paper will discuss different ways through which globalization has positively affected developing nations and the inequalities from these.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Dangers of Water Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Dangers of Water Pollution - Essay Example Heavy metals can leach into the water supply when it comes into contact with the drinking water as it is transported from the source to the faucet. The effects can range from a mild inconvenience to serious health problems in humans. It can cause a mildly upset stomach or may result in a terminal illness. Animals and fish, even more sensitive to many pollutants and these toxins, can be placed at risk when the ecological system of our rivers and lakes is disrupted. Whatever form the water pollution takes, it is certain to threaten the food supply, damage recreation areas, and be a major threat to human health. When toxic chemicals leach or are spilled into the water system the wildlife that depends on that supply suffers. In the case of an oil spill from a tanker, the results are fast and obvious. Wildlife, fish, and birds are immediately threatened with the crude oil sludge. The oily sludge permeates their fur and feathers handicapping any hope of the animal's survival. This form of pollution is highly visible and causes damage that can be easily measured and evaluated. We can readily see the animals die as they encounter this water pollution. However, other types of pollution that threaten our wildlife are not so readily apparent. Industrial chemicals that leach into our water supply, streams, and lakes may not be visible to the human eye. They may not kill fish instantly as the fish survive the moderate levels of the toxins that are present. Many industrial pollutants, however, build up in the fish and wildlife over time. PCBs, a known carcinogen that has been banned, continues to pers ist in our environment and water supply (Environmental Defense Fund, 2006). Dioxin and heavy metals also have a long term poisoning effect on the fish. When a human eats the contaminated fish, they ingest the pollutants that have been stored in the fish. Consuming this source of food on a regular basis can cause severe health problems and lead to death. Water pollution will eventually poison not only the fish, but also the birds that feed on the fish and the prey that feeds on the birds. This will cause a widespread contamination of our environment and result in many of our food sources being unavailable or unhealthy to eat. Often times when wastewater from a sewage system is improperly discharged into the environment it contaminates a public area that is used for swimming or recreation. This contaminated wastewater carries potentially dangerous viruses, parasites, and bacteria with it. The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) lists over 20 different types of biological agents known to pollute recreational areas (Nester, Anderson, Roberts, Pearsall, & Nester, 2001). The effects of these waterborne pathogens can be as mild as a case of diarrhea or as serious as meningitis. High fever, liver infection, and birth defects have been traced to water pollution caused by contaminated wastewater discharged into a public lake or beach (Nester et al, 2001). Though these contaminates do occasionally foul our drinking water supply, the most likely contact the public has is at a common recreational area. The CDC documents all reported cases of illness caused by polluted water and found during the period of 1995-1996 of the 12000 cases of disease caused by contaminated water, a full 75 percent were contracted in a public beach or swimming facility (Nester et al, 2001). These statistics show not only the seriousness of the
Monday, November 18, 2019
LAMPOSTS CLAIM IN THE LAW OF TORT Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
LAMPOSTS CLAIM IN THE LAW OF TORT - Case Study Example But the safety crew did not give the warning. Such failure of BBC, through the safety crew, is considered negligent which caused Jones' accident. Thus, the BBC was liable for Jones' injuries. The cameraman and Jones worked as a team because their equipment was linked. Jones with his equipment was following the cameraman who had decided to pass beneath the mast thereby leading Jones into the hazardous area. The cameraman was then in breached of his duty of care and the BBC was vicariously liable for that negligence. In Wilsons & Clyde Coal Company, Limited v English, [1938] A.C. 57, the House of Lords stated as follows: " primarily the master has a duty to take due care to provide and maintain a reasonably safe system of working in the mine, and a master, who has delegated the duty of taking due care in the provision of a reasonably safe system of working to a competent servant, is responsible for a defect in the system of which he had no knowledge" Breach of Employer's Duty. Following the rulings in the Jones and Wilsons cases, it is clear that the football club is under a duty of care to provide Lampost with competent fellow employees, properly maintained site and facilities, and to provide a safe place and system of work. The question of whether the football club breached that duty of care depends on the standard of care owed by the defendant football club to its employee and whether it has taken reasonable steps considering the circumstances. (Latimer v A.E.C. Ltd.[1953]) In Jones, the breach of the employer's duty consists in BBC's failure (through its safety crew) to discuss with the cameraman and Jones the risk of the falling mast and to warn the cameraman and Jones in unequivocal terms that they must not go beneath it. In Wilsons, the breach by the employer consists of its failure to provide competent fellow employees, properly maintained mine and equipment, and to provide a safe place and system of work. In the case of Lampost, the failure of the football club to provide sufficient number of medical personnel and immediate treatment which caused Lampost's permanent limp and disability to play professional football constitutes a breach of the standard care required of the football club. Under the circumstances, having only one emergency doctor during a match is far from meeting the reasonable standard of care. First, it can reasonably be expected that injuries are bound to occur in a football match because, by the very nature of the game alone, it is physically strenuous and demanding. Second, it is a mathematical fact that the game is played by at least 22 players and having only one doctor during a match clearly does not meet the required standard of care. Third, considering that it was a premiership match, it can reasonably be expected that players are more competitive than usual and thus, injuries are bound to result from the matches. Hence, the football club should have hired more than one do ctor. Moreover, following McDermid v Nash Dredging and Reclamation Co. Ltd. [1987], it can also be inferred that the football club is in breach
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Al Capone: The American Gangster
Al Capone: The American Gangster Al Capone was an American gangster who led a crime syndicate dedicated to smuggling and bootlegging of liquor and other illegal activities during the Prohibition Era of the 1920s and 1930s. Capone began his career in Brooklyn before moving to Chicago and becoming the boss of the criminal organization known as the Chicago Outfit; although, his business card reportedly described him as a used furniture dealer. He was, and still is, the most recognized and influential Mafioso in American history. Both hated and loved by the public, he shared a common dislike with many people in American society at that time; a strong disdain for the temperance movement. Alphonse Gabriel Al Capone was born on January 17, 1899 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City to Italian immigrants Gabriele and Teresina Capone. They landed in New York just in time for the Panic of 1893, which would wrack the countrys economy for years. Gabriel who was a skilled barber and Teresina a seamstress, wisely chose Brooklyn as home in preference to the even greater squalor and density of Mulberry Bend, Manhattans Lower East Side Italian colony; not that the depression spared Brooklyn. Unemployment would soon idle one quarter of the boroughs workforce, making it no time for the unskilled. [1] The Capones lived better than most. Though Gabriel could not ply his trade at first, he avoided the drudgery and extreme low pay of manual labor because he boasted another skill that went with his trade; he could read and write. In Italy, as well as in America, the illiterate expected their barber to read them any letters that came their way. Gabriels learning earned him a job in a grocery store until he could gather enough of a stake to open his own barber shop; a storefront in a tenement at 69 Park Avenue. [2] Little Al, as he was called, had started school at John Jay, P.S. 7, at 141 York, near the Navy Yard. After the family had moved, he transferred to William A. Butler, P.S. 133, at 355 Butler Street; seven blocks away from Garfield. Until he reached sixth grade, he maintained a B average. He devoted much time and energy to his favorite extracurricular activity, playing hooky. He attended class only thirty-three days of the required ninety. A red-haze temper that would occasionally overmaster him all his life exploded one day, and he hit a teacher who was lecturing him. Sent to the principals office, he got a whipping and quit school in embarrassment. He was fourteen at the time, but he was ready to quit anyway as it was practically a family tradition. [3] Al made a stab at an assortment of honest jobs; clerk in a candy store and pin boy in a bowling alley. For a while he earned twenty-three dollars a week working in an ammunition factory. He also worked as cutter in a book bindery, following his older brother Ralph, who had worked in the print shop of a newspaper. Apprenticeship for Al Capones lifes work, though, arose on the streets. The streets Capone traveled as a young boy was ruled by gangs, or more precisely kid gangs. Members of these kid gangs could not be called gangsters; by todays standards they would barely qualify as delinquents. Excepting petty pilferage and occasional lunch-money extortion, few engaged in activity anyone would consider downright criminal. [4] Al was heavily influenced by gangster Johnny Torrio whom he considered to be his mentor. John Torrio was the thinking mans criminal. Torrio owned a bar on James Street at the corner of Water. He soon expanded, leasing a rooming house down the block which he filled with prostitutes and a nearby store he converted into a pool hall. Young Al could hardly have avoided absorbing the lesson of someone who had attained money and power without the drudgery that were typically weighed on others. [5] Al eventually joined the South Brooklyn Rippers, a junior gang that inducted kids as young as eleven. No reliably authentic details about Als activities in his late boyhood and early teens have survived, but he evidently did not stand out or apart. Not many years later, a former Brooklyn kid-gang member remembered him as something of a nonentity, affable, soft of speech and even mediocreà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. [6] Al had caught the eye of someone who could exert the most portentous influence possible at that stage. It was Frankie Yale, six years older, who had ushered Al into the Forty Thieves Juniors gang. When Al entered his mid-teens, Yale welcomed him exclusively into the adult gang Five Points headed by Johnny Torrio. Membership in this Manhattan gang showcased his tough scrappiness. Capone learned all there was to know about extortion and slugging and the rest on the banks of the Gowanus Canal, says William Balsamo, Brooklyn native and historian of New York crime. Yale was fashioning a complex of enterprises beyond the Harvard Inn: a mortuary; racehorses; prizefighters; another nightspot, the Sunrise Cafe; a line of cigars-all based finally on his main line, strong-arm terror. [7] Capones job as bartender and bouncer at Yales Harvard Inn demanded a certain finesse. The trick was to bounce without alienating, and only to do so after considered efforts to calm and subdue had failed. Ideally, the bounced would recognize themselves as out of line. Capone combined the mass to bounce authoritatively and the intelligence to do it with tact. Capone became Yales pupil, favored by invitations after a hard night at the Harvard Inn to sleep over at Yales house. That happened frequently enough that Yales daughters would show visitors Als room. Yale had the swagger of a young man, already boss yet still a comer. Inevitably, Capone viewed Yale as a model and a teacher. [8] One summer night in 1917 resulted in scarring consequences. Frank Galluccio Galluch, a merchant seaman, barbers assistant, and spear-carrier in the Genovese crime family strutted into the Harvard Inn with his date, Maria Tanzio, and his kid sister, Lena. The sight of Lena set Capones glands exploding. Every time his rounds took him past her table he would try to chat with her; Lena snubbed him. Her brother who was half drunk and did not know Capone assumed from his familiarity that Lena did. His kid sisters growing anger penetrated Galluccios alcoholic fog stating, You know that guy? Lena then responded: I never saw him before. Hes got a lotta nerve. He wont give up, Frank. He cant take a hint. But I dont like him; he is embarrassing me. Maybe you could ask him to please stop-in a nice way. [9] Capone headed their way again and Galluccio was ready to take him aside like a gentleman: Hey, mister, please do me favor, okay? Shes my kid sister, you knowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Before Galluccio could speak, Capone leaned over to Lena, and whispered-loud enough to startle the party at the next table with heads swiveled in amazement-You got a nice ass, honey, and I mean it as a compliment. Believe me. Her brother sprang to his feet. The insult was bad enough; the fact that strangers had plainly heard made it insupportable. I wont take that shit from nobody, Galluccio shouted. Apologize to my sister now, you hear? At a moment, Capones brain reasserted itself, perhaps kicked in by sister. Family meant everything, and its evocation put this customer unarguably in the right. With his most ingratiating and placating smile, Capone turned to Galluccio arms spread wide and palms up and open: Hey, whatsa matter, pal, a little misunderstanding, a joke, no offenseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This is no fucking jo ke, mister, cried Galluccio. [10] Galluccio stood five-foot-six and weighed under 150. Capone looked like a mountain avalanching toward him. The Galluch knew he could be badly hurt unless he struck first and quickly, but his punch would never do the job. He clawed his knife from his pocket and lunged as the streets had taught him. One slash started two inches in front of mid-ear, curved four inches down the left cheek to just below the corner of Capones mouth; the other two each measured two and a half inches, one on the left jaw, and the other on the neck under the left ear. Galluccio grabbed his sister and date and ran out the door. Someone rushed Capone to the Coney Island Hospital where doctors applied thirty stitches to his face. [11] Soon Galluccio heard that Frankie Yale had been asking around for him. Galluccio appealed to Joseph Masseria, overlord of all New York for justice. Joe the Boss decreed a sit-down at the Harvard Inn where they agreed that Capone had indeed been wrong and would not be allowed to seek vengeance, while Galluccio had to apologize for his disproportionate reaction-which he readily did, contrite at sight of how he had disfigured Capone. Capone also recognized the justice of the settlement and the dishonor of his scars. He later put out the story that the scars had happened to him in service with the Lost Battalion of World War I. In fact, he had never been called up in the draft. This notable scarring had given him the infamous nickname Scarface. [12] In 1918 Capone met an Irish girl at a dance and fell in love. She was pretty, slim and tall with a round piquant face and large eyes framed by a helmet of blond hair. Baptized Mary, she would be known all her life as Mae, daughter of Michael Coughlin, a construction worker, and the former Bridget Gorman. On December 4, 1918, Mae gave birth. Eighteen days later, Maes sister, Kathleen, and James DeVico, an otherwise obscure friend of Capones, became godparents to Albert Francis Capone, also known as Sonny. Mae had almost two years on Capone, perhaps an embarrassment to them because each fudged a year of age on their marriage registration. Capone appears in the church records as Albert, maybe a mistake, or maybe a typical bit of criminal obfuscation. [13] Members of the Anti-Saloon League, founded 1893 in Oberlin, Ohio, sincerely believed everyone would be better off without alcohol. They looked forward, one historian has observed, to a world freeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦from want and crime and sin, a sort of millennial Kansasà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Their campaign, which quickly enveloped the nation, combined such animating idealism with the most brutal brass-knuckles politics; the league terrorized Congress. In the words of a popular song of the era: What Have They Got on You, Mr. Congressman? Weve heard just how those drys, Keep cases on you Congress guys. One wrong vote and reports would wing back home broadcasted by the leagues fifty thousand field workers. [14] Americas April 6, 1917, entry into the war sanctified the dry cause as patriotism even for the doubting majority. The liquor trade gobbled up enough grain for eleven million loaves of bread a day. The league insisted drunken workers could not turn out war materiel any more than drunk soldiers could shoot straight. Caving in to these pressures, Congress passed a resolution calling for a prohibition amendment to the Constitution and sent it to the state legislatures for ratification in December 1917. On January 16, 1919, Nebraska provided the necessary three-fourths majority by becoming the thirty-sixth state to approve the resolution. The Eighteenth Amendment would become law in one year. [15] Meanwhile, the league rammed wartime Prohibition through Congress. Until the Eighteenth Amendment kicked in at midnight on Friday, January 16, 1920, the interim law forbade anyone in the United States to make, sell or transport-without a permit-any beverage containing more than one half of 1 percent alcohol. The ban-both permanent and interim-cunningly did not include owning, drinking or buying liquor. The league had been careful not to offend voters or members of Congress; many were notoriously wet in habits no matter how dry they voted. [16] Capone was a suspect for two murders in 1919 and was seeking a safe haven and a better job to provide for his new family. Capone relocated to Chicago to help out his Five Points gang mentor Johnny Torrio. Torrio had gone to Chicago to resolve some family problems his cousins husband was having with the Black Hand. Torrino had also been summoned there to help out his uncle, Big Jim Colosimo, the citys leading whoremaster to run his empire. By the time Capone arrived, Torrio was in dispute with Big Jim. Seeing the major financial opportunities that came with Prohibition, Torrio wanted Colosimo to shift his organizations main thrust to bootlegging; Big Jim was not interested. He had become rich and fat in the whoring trade and saw no need to expand. He forbade Torrio to get into the new racket. Torrio realized that Colosimo had to be eradicated so that he could use Big Jims organization for his criminal plans. Together he and Capone planned Colosimos murder and sent Frankie Yale and his men from New York to carry out the job. Capone and Torrio meantime would act out airtight alibis [17] . One of Capones duties was to buy trucks for Torrios operation-which those in it called the outfit-especially after Capone took over. Members used it casually when talking among themselves about their group-I joined the outfit two years ago-as they would say Im with Capone, when talking about their affiliation to an outsider. Many in the outfit were involved in transporting beer. For most of them, being part of a gang meant little more than being a truck driver; that was the entry-level job for most. Possible promotion led to muscle and racketeering work. But Torrio relied on few to buy new and used trucks; one was Capone. By mid-1922 Capone already ranked as Torrios number two. [18] The election of reform mayor William Emmet Dever led to Chicagos city government putting more strain on the gangster agenda within city limits. Devers biographer called him a dripping Wet who enforced Prohibition. He would tell a meeting of beer-guzzling Germans, I have never pretended to be, and am not now a Prohibitionist. But he would have law and order stating, He would enforce the law to the limit. Within a month, authorities were raiding places citywide with, wrote a reporter, unabated enthusiasm, arresting five hundred in one sweep, 450 in another. Within six months his men had closed over four thousand blatant saloons and some five hundred soda parlors-notoriously fronts for selling beers. A significant amount of license revocations were set forth. [19] To put its headquarters outside of city jurisdiction and create a safe zone for its operations, the Capone organization muscled its way into Cicero, Illinois. This led to one of Capones greatest triumphs; the takeover of Ciceros town government in 1924. Capone made it clear that he wanted an all-out conquest of the town. He installed his older brother Frank (Salvatore) as the front man with the Cicero city government. Ralph was tasked with opening up a working-class brothel called the Stockade for Ciceros heavily blue-collar population. Al focused on gambling and took an interest in a new gambling joint called the Ship. He also took control of the Hawthorne Race Track. [20] For the most part, the Capone conquest of Cicero was unopposed, with the exception of Robert St. John, the crusading young journalist at the Cicero Tribune. Every issue contained an expose on the Capone rackets in the city. The editorials were effective enough to threaten Capone-backed candidates in the 1924 primary election. On election day things got ugly as Capones forces kidnapped opponents election workers and threatened voters with violence. As reports of the violence spread, the Chicago chief of police rounded up seventy nine cops and provided them with shotguns. The cops, dressed in plain clothes, rode in unmarked cars to Cicero under the guise of protecting workers at the Western Electric plant there. Frank Capone, who had just finished negotiating a lease, was walking down the street when the convoy of Chicago policemen approached him. Someone recognized him and the cars emptied out in front of him. In seconds, Franks body was riddled with bullets. Technically, the police c alled it self defense, since Frank, seeing the police coming at him with guns drawn, had revealed his own revolver. [21] Al was enraged and escalated the violence by kidnapping officials and stealing ballot boxes. One official was murdered. When it was all over, Capone had won his victory for Cicero. Capones temper stayed under control for about five weeks. But then, Joe Howard, a small-time thug, assaulted Capones friend Jack Guzik when he turned him down for a loan. Guzik told Capone and tracked Howard down in a bar. Howard had the poor judgment to call Capone a dago pimp and Capone shot Howard dead. [22] While only twenty-five, Al Capone became a prominent figure in Chicagos organized crime. He wasnt the only one though. Dion OBanion owned a thriving florist shop, but was also one of the biggest names in the bootlegging business. Flamboyant but untrustworthy, OBanion became a thorn in Capones side. In one instance, OBanion killed a man outside of Capones Four Deuces gambling joint and the ensuing trial dragged Capone into unwanted attention. OBanion also set up Torrio to be arrested by the police. He had promised Torrio he would move to Colorado if Torrio agreed to buy OBanions Sieben Brewery. OBanion took the money and left while the police were waiting to raid the brewery. Torrio went to jail and OBanion kept the money. The Brewery was eventually shut down permanently. [23] OBanion met his end while preparing a floral arrangement in his shop on November 10, 1924. He was a consummate hand shaker and on that day three known gangsters came in the shop. Thinking they were there to pick up flowers for the funeral of another prominent gangster, he went to shake their hands. One of them pulled OBanion off balance and six shots rang out. While there was a great deal of speculation concerning the triggermen, no one ever went to trial over the murder. It did leave OBanions territory wide open for Capone to move in, but also made powerful enemies of OBanions friends. These friends included Hymie Weiss and Bugs Moran. [24] Over the next two years, Moran and Weiss would fail in over a dozen assassination attempts against Capone. On January 24, 1925, Torrio was returning to his apartment at 7106 South Clyde Avenue from a shopping trip with his wife Anna. Walking from his car towards his apartment building, Weiss and Moran opened fire. They shot Torrio in the chest, neck, right arm and groin, but miraculously the elderly man survived. The true miracle came about when one of the men-reportedly Moran-held his gun to Torrios head and pulled the trigger only to hear the click of an empty firing chamber. This incident made Torrio consider quitting the game. After recovering, Torrio pleaded guilty and was sentenced to nine months in jail for the Sieben Brewery raid. During his jail sentence Torrio informed Capone he was planning on leaving Chicago and turning his vast empire over to Al stating, Its all yours Al. Me? Im quittin. Its Europe for me. Torrio then moved to Italy with his mother and wife. [25] Shortly after he took over Johnny Torrios empire, it was clear that his new status had changed Al Capone. He was a major force now in the Chicago underworld. To underscore his rise in the world, he moved his headquarters to the Metropole Hotel. His luxurious suite of five rooms cost $1,500 per day. He went from near obscurity to cultivated visibility. Capone became visible at the opera, at sporting events and charitable functions. He was an important member of the community: friendly, generous, successful, supplying a throng of thirsty customers. In an era where most of the adult population drank bootleg alcohol, the bootlegger seemed almost respectable. [26] In the spring of 1926, Capones run of good luck hit a snag. On April 27, Billy McSwiggin, known as the young hanging prosecutor who had tried to pin the 1924 death of Joe Howard on Capone, met with an accident. A bootlegger named Jim Doherty picked McSwiggin up by car at his fathers house. Dohertys car broke down and they hitched a ride with bootlegger Klondike ODonnell, a bitter enemy of Capone. The four Irish lads went on a drinking binge in Cicero with ODonnell and his brother Myles and ended up at a bar close to the Hawthorne Inn where Capone was having dinner. ODonnells cruising around in Cicero was a territorial insult. [27] Capone and his henchmen, not realizing that McSwiggin was in the bar with Myles ODonnell, waited outside in a convoy of cars until the drunken men staggered out. Then out came the machine guns and McSwiggin and Doherty were dead; Capone was immediately blamed. Despite the blot on McSwiggins integrity for keeping company with bootleggers, sympathy was with the dead young prosecutor. There was a big outcry against gangster violence and public sentiment went against Capone. While everyone in Chicago knew that Al Capone was responsible, there was not a shred of proof and the failure of this high-profile investigation to return an indictment was an embarrassment to local officials. Police took out their frustrations on Capones whorehouses and speakeasies which endured a series of raids and fires. [28] Capone went into hiding for three months. Reputedly some 300 detectives looked for him all over the country; in Canada and even Italy. He initially found refuge in the home of a friend in Chicago Heights and then, for most of the time, with friends in Lansing, Michigan. Those three months in hiding made an indelible mark on Al. He began to see himself as much more than a successful racketeer. He believed he was a source of pride to the Italian immigrant community; a generous benefactor and important fixer who could help people. His bootlegging operations employed thousands of people, many of whom were poor Italian immigrants. While much of this was just his ego getting larger, Capone had real leadership abilities and was very capable of extending those talents into areas that were beneficial to the community. He seriously thought of retiring from his life of crime and violence. [29] On July 28, 1926, he returned to Chicago to face the accusations of murder. It turned out to be the right decision because the authorities did not have sufficient evidence to bring him to trial. For all the public uproar and efforts of the law enforcement groups, Al Capone was a free man. The people of Chicago were tired of reading about gang violence and the newspapers fanned their anger. Capone held a highly publicized peace conference in which he appealed to the other bootleggers assembled there to tone down the violence. He made his point stating, There is enough business for all of us without killing each other like animals in the streets. I dont want to die in the street punctured by machine-gun fire. At the end of the meeting, an amnesty had been negotiated which accomplished two key things; first, there would be no more murders or beatings and second, past murders would not be avenged. For more than two months thereafter, nobody connected with the bootlegging business was kil led. [30] In May of 1927, the Supreme Court made a decision that Manny Sullivan, a bootlegger, had to report and pay income tax on his illegal bootlegging business. Just because reporting and paying tax on illegally-derived revenues was self-incrimination, it was not unconstitutional. With the Sullivan ruling, the small Special Intelligence Unit of the IRS under Elmer Irey was able to go after Al Capone. [31] Unaware and uninterested in Manny Sullivan or Elmer Irey, Capone became more compulsively extroverted and expansive. He indulged heavily in his two big passions; music and boxing. He became close pals with boxermJack Dempsey, but given the concern over fixed fights, the friendship had to be very discreet. Always an opera lover, Capone expanded his patronage to the jazz world. With the opening of the Cotton Club in Cicero, Al became a jazz impresario, attracting and cultivating some of the best black jazz musicians of the day. Unlike so many other Italian gangsters, Al did not seem to have the deep-seated racial prejudice and he gained the trust and respect of many of his musicians. Al extended his generosity and personal concerns to everybody who worked for him, black or white. Al spoke to reporters: Public service is my motto. Ninety percent of the people in Chicago drink and gamble. Ive tried to serve them decent liquor and square games. But Im not appreciated. Im known all over the world as a millionaire gorilla. [32] Capone biographer Laurence Bergreen described the way Capone inserted himself into the lives of those he knew: He came to dominate them not by shouting, overwhelming, or bullying, although the threat of physical violence always loomed, but by appealing to the inner man, his wants, his aspirationsby making them feel valued, they gave unstintingly of their loyalty, and loyalty was what Capone needed and demanded; in the volatile circles through which he moved it was the only protection he had from sudden death. The highest compliment other men could pay Capone was to call him a friend, which meant they were willing to overlook his scandalous reputation, that he had never been a pimp or a murderer. [33] The exposure was becoming a real nuisance. When he left for a trip to the West Coast, he had police surrounding him at every station. Los Angeles toughest detective said We have no room here for Capone or any other visiting gangsters whether they are here on pleasure tours or not. When Capone came back from the West Coast he found himself surrounded by six Joliet policemen with their shotguns aimed at him. Capone stated, Well, Ill be damned. Youd think I was Jesse James. Whats the artillery for? In Chicago, the police made things as uncomfortable as possible by surrounding his house and arresting him at the slightest provocation. [34] Capone left for Miami where the weather was much better than the Chicago winter, but the reception by the local community was chilly. He, Mae, and Sonny rented a house for the season and started to look for a permanent residence. Over the coming months he would invest a small fortune in redecorating his new palace in Miami, securing it like a small fortress with concrete walls and heavy wooden doors. [35] The Palm Island estate came to the attention of IRS Intelligence Unit watchdog Elmer Irey. He chose Frank J. Wilson to head up the job of documenting Capones income and spending. The job was monumental; despite Capones lavish spending everything was transacted through third parties. Although Capone had incredible wealth, every transaction was on a cash basis. The major exception was the very tangible assets of the Palm Island estate, which was evidence of a major source of income. [36] George Emmerson Q. Johnson, a member of the Scandinavian old boys network in the Midwest, was appointed U.S. attorney for Chicago. Johnson targeted Capone with unbridled passion. In the spring of 1928, the violence preceding the April primary election began to escalate out of control. It was not clear who was orchestrating all of this violence, but this time the targets were not gangsters, but U.S. Senator Charles Deneen, a reformer and a judge. The unabashedly corrupt Mayor Bill Thompson was presumed responsible since the victims were people who opposed him, but Al Capone who was still in Florida, was the scapegoat. While Mae Capone spent the spring of 1928 on an extravagant decorating spree Al dedicated himself to establishing himself as a legitimate citizen of Miami. In spite of the outward show of respectability, Al quietly made plans to solve pressing problems caused by his old boss Frankie Yale. The liquor supply deal that Capone and Yale had negotiated was experiencing too many
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Math Facts Essay -- Education, The Arithmetic Gap
â€Å"Memorizing math facts is the most important step to understanding math. Math facts are the building blocks to all other math concepts and memorizing makes them readily available†(EHow Contributor, 2011). To clarify, a math fact is basic base-10 calculation of single digit numbers. Examples of basic math facts include addition and multiplication problems such as 1 + 1, 4 + 5, 3 x 5 and their opposites, 2 – 1, 9 – 4, 15/5(Marques, 2010 and Yermish, 2011). Typically, these facts are memorized at grade levels deemed appropriate to a student’s readiness – usually second or third grade for addition and subtraction and fourth grade for multiplication and division. If a child can say the answer to a math fact problem within a couple of seconds, this is considered mastery of the fact (Marques, 2010). Automaticity – the point at which something is automatic- is the goal when referring to math facts. Students are expected to be able to recall facts without spending time thinking about them, counting on their fingers, using manipulatives, etc (Yermish, 2011). . In order to become a fluent reader, a person must memorize the sounds that letters make and the sounds that those letters make when combined with other letters. Knowing math facts, combinations of numbers, is just as critical to becoming fluent in math. Numbers facts are to math as the alphabet is to reading, without them a person cannot fully succeed. (Yermish, 2011 and Marquez, 2010). A â€Å"known†fact is one that is â€Å"answered automatically and correctly without counting†(Greenwald, 2011). In order for a child to achieve academically, the child must master basic facts. A child's progress with problem-solving, algebra and higher-order math concepts is negatively impacted by a lack... ...wer but offer no assistance with learning a concept (Mahoney and Knowles, 2010). Automaticity of math facts is beneficial to all mathematics learning. Fortunately, there are ways to help students learn basic facts without skill and drill. Explicit strategy instruction is more effective than encouraging strict rote memorization (Woodward, 2006). Yet, many educators are unsure of how to help students master facts. Too many educators still have misconceptions of how students learn facts and how they commit them to long-term memory (Baroody, 1985). Some people argue that students no longer need to learn how to compute now that calculators are widely available. â€Å"While facility at one-digit computation is far from the primary aim of elementary school mathematics, it is an important skill that provides the foundation for many other topics†(Burton and Knifong, 1982).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Ib Psychology Essay; Bloa Ethics
Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the biological level of analysis. As with any aspect of Psychology that uses research studies, studies in the Biological Level of Analysis require the researcher to follow main ethical guidelines. While all the guidelines should be followed and respected, there are quite a few of which should be taken into extra careful consideration, although so is not always the case. To keep the research in ethical bounds, most psychologists agree to follow a certain code of ethics in order to abstain from inhumane experiments and studies.Deception, debriefing, and exploitation of animals in the use of invasive techniques, all come into play as significant considerations at this level. Sometimes, however, it is not possible for researchers to always follow that code as it may affect their studies' results. For example in a Schachter and Singer (1962) experimental study –intending to challenge several theories of emotion- voluntee rs were recruited to receive a vitamin injection and informed that they would be participating in vision experiments.In reality, three groups received an injection of adrenaline, and those of a fourth were given placebo injections. Even worse, one of the groups was not told about even a single possible side effect. Despite a safe amount of adrenalin, fully informed consent could not be obtained since it could influence and alter the overall results, attributing to in fact a characteristic placebo effect. This gives researchers justification of their use of deception in an attempt to keep their work valid and controversy-free.Researchers use placebos during studies to help them understand the effectiveness of a new drug or some other treatment on a certain condition. A placebo is a seemingly legitament medical treatment that is in fact fake and has no physical affect whatsoever on an individual; a response to which can be positive or negative. The relationship between the mind and bo dy has been the focus of research on the placebo effect.One of its most common theories is that the effect is due to the individual's expectations: anticipating a particular outcome from, for example, a pill can actually lead to the body's own chemical makeup carrying that out to some extent if not exactly. The third principle of the biological level of analysis states that animal research may inform our understanding of behavior; suggesting that we share a common ancestor, we can therefore make human inferences based on that. There is significant controversy concerning the use of animals in such acts nd the understanding of its advantages and namely disadvantages. And so, another group of studies to consider in terms of ethical issues is research involving animals. It is an obvious solution to quite a number of researchers' problems to simply harm animals rather than resort to humans. However, it is widely believed that all animal research is unethical primarily due to the lack of ability to obtain informed consent on behalf of the animals. In addition to this, it is not possible for researchers to predict the amount of harm or pain that the animal will undergo – if any.In specific, numerous experiments comprising of animals to study brain correlations have been conducted. Hetherington and Ranson were in charge of such an experimental study, in 1942, in testing the function of the hypothalamus. Upon the lessoning of the hypothalamus, the rats' appetites were distorted which resulted in a doubling of their weight. From this, researchers concluded the belief that the hypothalamus is indeed responsible for the regulation of appetite or hunger. The damage done however was not reversible in any sense.This again is a question of ethics. Thus, there is a range of ethical issues that researchers working at The Biological Level of Analysis must have in mind at all times, ready to look through rather than looking past. Never-ending debates present for almost eve ry topic, study, or discovery, may never really seize to exist. Nonetheless, this just emphasizes the need for extra effort to be put in†¦ People define ethics in the way that personally suits them, and this in its own way is a perfect example of lack of ethics, as well as decorum. Ib Psychology Essay; Bloa Ethics Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the biological level of analysis. As with any aspect of Psychology that uses research studies, studies in the Biological Level of Analysis require the researcher to follow main ethical guidelines. While all the guidelines should be followed and respected, there are quite a few of which should be taken into extra careful consideration, although so is not always the case. To keep the research in ethical bounds, most psychologists agree to follow a certain code of ethics in order to abstain from inhumane experiments and studies.Deception, debriefing, and exploitation of animals in the use of invasive techniques, all come into play as significant considerations at this level. Sometimes, however, it is not possible for researchers to always follow that code as it may affect their studies' results. For example in a Schachter and Singer (1962) experimental study –intending to challenge several theories of emotion- voluntee rs were recruited to receive a vitamin injection and informed that they would be participating in vision experiments.In reality, three groups received an injection of adrenaline, and those of a fourth were given placebo injections. Even worse, one of the groups was not told about even a single possible side effect. Despite a safe amount of adrenalin, fully informed consent could not be obtained since it could influence and alter the overall results, attributing to in fact a characteristic placebo effect. This gives researchers justification of their use of deception in an attempt to keep their work valid and controversy-free.Researchers use placebos during studies to help them understand the effectiveness of a new drug or some other treatment on a certain condition. A placebo is a seemingly legitament medical treatment that is in fact fake and has no physical affect whatsoever on an individual; a response to which can be positive or negative. The relationship between the mind and bo dy has been the focus of research on the placebo effect.One of its most common theories is that the effect is due to the individual's expectations: anticipating a particular outcome from, for example, a pill can actually lead to the body's own chemical makeup carrying that out to some extent if not exactly. The third principle of the biological level of analysis states that animal research may inform our understanding of behavior; suggesting that we share a common ancestor, we can therefore make human inferences based on that. There is significant controversy concerning the use of animals in such acts nd the understanding of its advantages and namely disadvantages. And so, another group of studies to consider in terms of ethical issues is research involving animals. It is an obvious solution to quite a number of researchers' problems to simply harm animals rather than resort to humans. However, it is widely believed that all animal research is unethical primarily due to the lack of ability to obtain informed consent on behalf of the animals. In addition to this, it is not possible for researchers to predict the amount of harm or pain that the animal will undergo – if any.In specific, numerous experiments comprising of animals to study brain correlations have been conducted. Hetherington and Ranson were in charge of such an experimental study, in 1942, in testing the function of the hypothalamus. Upon the lessoning of the hypothalamus, the rats' appetites were distorted which resulted in a doubling of their weight. From this, researchers concluded the belief that the hypothalamus is indeed responsible for the regulation of appetite or hunger. The damage done however was not reversible in any sense.This again is a question of ethics. Thus, there is a range of ethical issues that researchers working at The Biological Level of Analysis must have in mind at all times, ready to look through rather than looking past. Never-ending debates present for almost eve ry topic, study, or discovery, may never really seize to exist. Nonetheless, this just emphasizes the need for extra effort to be put in†¦ People define ethics in the way that personally suits them, and this in its own way is a perfect example of lack of ethics, as well as decorum.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Theme of Isolation and Loneliness In Talking Heads Essays
The Theme of Isolation and Loneliness In Talking Heads Essays The Theme of Isolation and Loneliness In Talking Heads Paper The Theme of Isolation and Loneliness In Talking Heads Paper Essay Topic: Literature Talk Most of Alan Bennetts characters in Part One of the Talking Heads Monologues, are lonely or they are threatened with loneliness, and this leads to alienation from society and the environment they live in. This essay looks at the effects of loneliness, illness, unhappiness and lack of self-knowledge and how this is portrayed in Bennetts works. It also shows how isolation and loneliness, are dealt with in different ways, by people of varying ages and backgrounds. A great number of people are unaware of being lonely such as Doris in A Cream Cracker under the Settee We were always on our own, me and Wilfred Mix, I dont want to mix Throughout their marriage, they never socialised. Doris had very definite views on cleanliness and avoided people for this reason. Later on in the story we learn that this could have stemmed from the stillbirth of their son and for Doris this is her defence mechanism. Doris, indirectly, reveals that she never got over the trauma of losing her son, possibly clouding her view of life. Wilfred, obviously did not understand or feel her emotions. I dont think Wilfred minded It was then he started talking about getting a dog It is easier to put up a barrier and hide away rather than reveal our true feelings. This can later lead to loneliness and isolation. By not showing our true selves we are in danger of hiding who we really are. In the case of Miss Irene Ruddock (A Lady of Letters) she is lost in a society that no longer cares. She is younger than Doris and is wrapped up in her own self. Again, she is unaware of this. In the past, neighbourly interest was welcomed. But in present society, personal contact is discouraged, either by her or by the young family who are her neighbours, so instead she spies on them. She is critical of her neighbours, who she feels do not meet her standards and who she watches in secret. I dont even know their names Irene is very judgmental even though she doesnt know their circumstances. Itll surprise me if they are married. He has a tattoo anyway When reading this quote the first thought I had was now how Alan Bennett had dated the monologue. As in todays society it is perfectly acceptable to have a tattoo and is no longer frowned upon. Miss Ruddock can no longer rely on the church to provide her order and security, as shown in the scene when she is visited by the vicar. He offers to prove his identity by showing her his cross, she dismisses the gesture by saying A cross doesnt mean anything. Youths wear crosses nowadays. Hooligans. They wear crosses in their ears It is no longer a symbol. She feels that she is being alienated by the way the church is structured. The only time she has structure to her life is when she is in prison. The letters Irene writes are her only contact with the outside world. In fact I wrote to the crematorium but I actually didnt know her all that well She went to the funeral because at least its an outing Irene feels she is a pillar of the community as she writes to the Council, the Queen and even the Archbishop of Canterbury. She feels they all take her seriously as a public spirited member of the community but she is unaware of what a nuisance she is. Although she has already been in trouble before, The court bound you over to keep the peace She carries on with the harassment. I feel this is because she has no family or friends to talk to. It is also about her self-esteem and making her self feel important. She eventually ends up in an institution because her state of mind is caused by her loneliness and egocentricity. She has no idea that this is of her own making due to her snobbery. However, she thrives on the regime of the institute, becoming institutionalised because it gives her life structure and she is able to form relationships. Although she remains a very formal character she becomes caring and compassionate towards others. Im so happy Both Iris and Doris harp on about the past, when they were less lonely and isolated. Doris remembers You could walk down the street and folk smiled and passed the time of day Both of these are good examples of a paradox. The problems that once stood in their way, has turned and changed their lives for the better. Irene recalls when everybody knew the occupants of every single house. Everybody could, once upon a time This quote is another good example of how Alan Bennett has dated his monologues as society has changed and moved on. Miss Ruddocks story does have a happy ending. When she is brought face-to-face with her actions and the reality that she is going to prison, she is able to exchange her life of isolation and have friends within the prison community. She is actually able to offer sympathy and help to others. At the beginning of the monologue she feels pain and loneliness like Doris in A Cream Cracker under the Settee but at the end she feels connected and part of something. Both these women seem to miss the days of contact with their neighbours. The times when you could leave your door open and nobody would walk in. Both characters crave what they used to have. Due to their natures, it would not occur to them to change with the times. It did not occur to them to form relationships, by making friendly gestures to their neighbours. Doris is different from the other characters as she goes to the extreme of isolating herself. This is illustrated by the fact she wants trees in her front garden but actually puts bushes to stop any intrusions. Susan is the vicars wife in In Bed amongst the Lentils and her unhappiness/loneliness is harder to analyse. Alan Bennett here show that Susan is a witty and complex character. She is not so helpless that she could not have avoided a loveless marriage and a role, tying her to the church in which she has lost faith. Her disappointment seems to relate to her whole world and she uses drink to mask her loneliness and as a means to escape the real world. Susan is younger than Doris and Irene and by the end of the monologues you are left with the feeling that Doris and Irene are her future. Susans cynical and often ironic remarks make the monologues quite humourous. Susans loneliness stems from her husbands fan club of church helpers. In the words of Princess Diana, she feels there are three of us in this marriage. We must cherish him Susans way of cherishing him is with some chicken wings and tuna fish sauce When the bishop comes to visit Geoffrey, she knocks a jug of Carnation milk over the bishop and when cleaning him down compares it to Mary Magdalene and the Nivea cream all over again Susan is secretly an alcoholic, which is another expression of her isolation. She drinks to make herself feel better for a while. Geoffrey knows about the problem but refuses to acknowledge it, which makes Susans isolation worse. This relationship can be compared to Doris and her husband. Marriage should be the closest of relationships but within it they feel alienated. The subjects never discussed Instead of changing her life with Geoffrey, Susan decides to have an affair with Mr Ramesh, who owns the local shop. She feels she needs someone to talk to and by having an affair feels she will be loved. This affair is also a distraction from her marriage and its problems. Even when she sleeps with Mr Ramesh she tells us Its the first time I really understand what all the fuss is about She tries not to bring her new feelings for Ramesh into her life with Geoffrey by detaching from her feelings, she only feels apathy towards Geoffrey. Even when Geoffrey is angry with her because of the missing communion wine she doesnt care and is even more interested in having a drink. Susan is persuaded by Mr Ramesh to seek counselling from AA. We get the feeling that this is a good thing for her to do for herself but when Susan admits to being an alcoholic to her husband he does not give her the emotional support that she needs. He uses the situation to his advantage. This is a good example of their breakdown in communication. I find myself transformed into a feather in his cap Susan tells about Asians and Mr Ramesh and their ability to build things up and move on. For example, with his local shop, he builds it up into a thriving business and then he moves on. Rameshs outlook on life excites her but he has the freedom to move on and she doesnt. Its a good thing. We ought to be like that She realises that her circumstances could improve but in her isolated state of mind she cannot put talking it through into practice. If she could, like Miss Ruddock, her situation might have got better, since Susan seems to be a humorous person. She survives her lonely life by mocking not only what she sees as the pointless activities of her life but of herself as well. In the last scene she seems like a different woman but we are left unsure of any future happiness. Bennett uses bathos throughout the monologues especially with Susan, who keeps her thoughts to herself. Its on the tip of my tongue to say that if Jesus is all hes cracked up to be why doesnt he use tap water and put it to the test She is unconsciously using her sarcasm to protect herself. Bennett is very moving and thought provoking. He sums up Susans life in general parked by a lay-by on the ring road wondering what happened to our life To me this provokes a wonderful use of imagery as it shows her life is going round but not ending up anywhere. Loneliness by these characters is brought on by their lack of self-knowledge. This may contribute to both their sadness and the comedy of the narrator. It is perhaps part of their strategies for survival that the narrators do not see themselves as pitiable and lonely. The main themes of Bennetts, Talking Heads, are loneliness and the failure to understand ones own life. He also pays respect and attention to the point that there is a Little Person inside us all sometimes, foolish, wilful, vain, mistaken and self-deluded. The narrators problems may be the problems of ordinary people and often, unfortunate people at a particular point in time. I found that the each narrator touches on everyday issues that effect us all and thats why when reading Talking Heads you dont know whether to laugh or cry at the issues raised. Bennett tackles things with a light-hearted view but gets his point across in a very meaningful way. In conclusion Bennett is showing us that loneliness can apply to anyone and in different forms. The way he has chosen to show loneliness may be a product of male domination within personal relationships. I personally feel he could have written from this perspective because he is male. Also, most of Bennetts plays make the audience aware of the organisations that are provided by the State to cope with the needs of the characters. These efforts are seen as a poor substitute for a family, friends and neighbours. These characters dont have this support and this may be the root of their problems.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Heres why youre never too old for a career change
Heres why youre never too old for a career change It’s always scary to change jobs. But it can seem downright terrifying if you have given years (or decades!) to traveling one career path and want to make a complete switch. Don’t let fear hold you back- sometimes, circumstances call for bold strokes. Whether you have a goal your current position won’t allow you to reach, a list of regrets, or simply are bored and want to make a change, you can do it. Here are a few reasons why it’s never too late for you to get the job (and the career) you’ve always wanted. Making a change might involve hard work and risk, but if you focus and really want it, change is attainable at any age.Your skills can transfer.You’ve already spent time in the working world, which means you’ve acquired two sets of skills: general soft skills that apply to any job (think time management, communication, office etiquette) and skills specific to your chosen industry. The former will serve you well no matter where y ou land.What you don’t know, you can learn with time and hard work. And what you do know can easily be transferred into another field, position, industry, or path. Your job-specific skills might even bring a fresh element to your new career that would make you an attractive candidate.You’ve earned enough to float.At this point in your career, you’re probably comfortable enough to have provided yourself a nice cushion for taking a pay cut to do what you love. That doesn’t mean you should go into debt or work for less than you are worth- just consider it not the end of the world to make less for a little while. Weigh your happiness against the salary loss and see what comes out on top.You will NOT seem flaky.Just because you picked a field in your early twenties doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it for good. Wanting a change, even a major one, doesn’t make you fickle or indecisive. It just means you’ve grown up and identified your p references. Good news! You’re supposed to grow! Ignore people who say you don’t know what you want to do with your life. The opposite is true: you do know, and you’re actively pursuing it.Your passion will be infectious.Wouldn’t you rather be bright, shiny, and positive about something again? If you’re waking up every morning dreading your work day, it might be time for you to consider a change. Life’s too short and you’re running out of time! Make the changes you need to live the life you want. Your drive and excitement will bleed into everything you do inside and outside of work.It’s never too late to start something new, so don’t hold yourself back because you think it’s inappropriate. Keep in mind: you might have to start slowly, which is fine! You’ll need to assess the gaps you might have in your skills or education, and then work to fill them before you become an attractive candidate. But if you th ink there is a way, you should probably go for it. You’ll never know until you try.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Does stroke rehabilitation improve the quality of life in sroke Dissertation
Does stroke rehabilitation improve the quality of life in sroke survivors - Dissertation Example Combination of different rehabilitation techniques is more effective than monotherapy. Conclusions The treatment and rehabilitation of stroke is a continuous process and should end only when the patient has satisfactory level of quality of life. There is no limit to the possibility of stroke rehabilitation regardless of the time elapsed since the onset of stroke. CHAPTER 1 - Introduction 1.1 Purpose of chapter Stroke or acute cerebrovascular event is the third most prevalent cause of death and the leading cause of permanent disability in the general population in all western countries (Lloyd-Jones et al 2009). Research shows that most of stroke patients survive the first cerebrovascular event, however they are commonly affected by some form of significant disability and have significantly reduced quality of life. Every year in United States there are approximately 750000 cases of stroke and half of them are first stroke events that leave around 300 000 people with some form of disabi lity or impermanent (Raphael et al 2006). These large incidences of stroke cause heavy burden on the society but also on the individual lives of the patients, on their physical, emotional and social wellbeing and the wellbeing of their families. This is because more than 50 percents of these patients will be unable to take care of themselves and will need some form of support from a second person in order to be able to satisfy even the basic needs (Rothwell et al 2004). This is also one of the biggest fears of every stroke survivor, the fear that he or she will be unable to function independently and will become a burden on their family (Benedetta et... Purpose of this study is to present new insights about the effectiveness of stroke rehabilitation in stroke patients and evaluate the effectiveness of stroke rehabilitation. Stroke or acute cerebrovascular event is the third most prevalent cause of death and the leading cause of permanent disability in the general population in all western countries. Research shows that most of stroke patients survive the first cerebrovascular event, however they are commonly affected by some form of significant disability and have significantly reduced quality of life. Every year in United States there are approximately 750000 cases of stroke and half of them are first stroke events that leave around 300 000 people with some form of disability or impermanent. These large incidences of stroke cause heavy burden on the society but also on the individual lives of the patients, on their physical, emotional and social wellbeing and the wellbeing of their families. This is because more than 50 percents o f these patients will be unable to take care of themselves and will need some form of support from a second person in order to be able to satisfy even the basic needs. This is also one of the biggest fears of every stroke survivor, the fear that he or she will be unable to function independently and will become a burden on their family. This problem is expected only to grow with the increasing aging of the population in the western countries and the prolonged life span. This has influence on the increase of costs for managing stroke patients which exceeded 73 billion dollars in the United States in year 2010.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Laws of Gay Marriage Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Laws of Gay Marriage - Term Paper Example Homosexuality has been practiced by the ancient Romans and Greek people. Although there is a lot of subjectivity about gay marriages in those cultures, as homosexual people have not been provided with as much freedom and liberty to get married until recently, yet literature review suggests that the practice of homosexuality has always been there. Even the term â€Å"homosexuality†was not used before 1869 (McKinnon 1). Ancient Romans and Greeks considered homosexuality a normal practice. Many Greek philosophers including Aristotle, Plato and Socrates had male sexual partners. â€Å"It was common practice for a male to take on a young boy as his lover until he reached maturity where he would, in turn, take on another young boy as his lover†(McKinnon 1). Similarly, there exist accounts of the Native Americans in the literature of the North Americans, who had adopted the â€Å"Berdache†lifestyle in which people of one gender used to dress like people of the opposi te gender, and dated people from the same gender. The reason this practice did not become much stigmatized was that the couples were apparently heterosexuals. Homosexuality has been condemned by a lot of religions. A review of various religious scriptures suggests that homosexuality has been abhorred. Some religious scriptures have mentioned very strict punishments for people indulging in this act. Particularly, the Abrahamic religions, including Christianity, Judaism as well as Islam have condemned the act of homosexuality. In the Bible and Quran, there is a detailed discussion of a nation known as â€Å"the people of Lut†who were indulged in the practice of homosexuality. Prophet Lut (P.B.U.H.) warned the people not to do it, but the people would not listen. Quran describes homosexuality as a practice that crosses the limits of God Almighty. Quran quotes Prophet Lut (P.B.U.H.) in these words, â€Å"Doa ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds†(Qur'an 7:80-81 cited in â€Å"Isla m and Homosexuality†).
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